Reader Revenue Strategy

Reader Revenue Strategy

Reader Revenue Strategy


Sponsored by Mirabel

This category is for any publisher-led digital journalism endeavour which has secured or improved reader revenue: eg. paid subscriptions, donations and membership fees.

Please include any evidence which you can to show how this entry has helped bring in new revenue to support digital journalism.

Entry Requirements

Supporting statement of up to 500 words plus any relevant weblinks, for-publication summary of up to 150 words summarising your entry, up to three images of the entered work


Sponsored by Mirabel

This category is for any publisher-led digital journalism endeavour which has secured or improved reader revenue: eg. paid subscriptions, donations and membership fees.

Please include any evidence which you can to show how this entry has helped bring in new revenue to support digital journalism.

Entry Requirements

Supporting statement of up to 500 words plus any relevant weblinks, for-publication summary of up to 150 words summarising your entry, up to three images of the entered work